

Designed by Martin Gallo


Design Inspired by the Fluidity of Water

Splash, a glass lighting installation that explores the emotional resonance of water and its fluid, ever-changing forms. Designed to evoke a spectrum of moods—from the serenity of a calm pond and the joy of children splashing in puddles to the power of a raging river—the fused glass lighting installation reflects the shifting nature of water.


In designers words...

"Water is never still; it carries emotions, memories, and movement. With Splash, I wanted to capture its fleeting moments — how a single drop can ripple into something vast, how light dances on the surface, and how water, like glass, holds both stillness and energy within it."

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Timeless Lights by Lasvit

As part of Lasvit’s Timeless category, Splash represents our commitment to delivering proven designs that blend innovation with tradition. Rooted in centuries-old Czech glassmaking heritage, these lighting installations are a proof of uncompromising craftsmanship and design.

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Martin Gallo

I am a seeker... I am always searching for the most precise but unexpected intersection of the beauty, function and your desire!