The story behind the light

Design story
“I wanted to capture the clear lines of light, the speed of the wind and the smell of electricity in the air during a storm. I wanted to capture all of this and materialize it in a lighting installation tailor-made for the exquisite interiors of the Equinox Hotel,” adds young designer.

Modern technology
This project is made from special lighting tubes with customized LED chips. LASVIT’s engineers had found a way to bend these tubes, and thus opened a whole new space for possibilities and creative solutions. The tubes can change colour, so it is possible to set the mood of the space differently each time.

Overall design concept
The overall design concept was developed by various famous designers, including the Rockwell Group and David Rockwell personally.

Connect to the light
Whatever surrounds us helps us become who we want to be. The lighting installation Flash represents any goal which Equinox’s clients have in mind – to be strong, to be fast, to always be one step ahead…